Fundraising & Sponsorship


Kidsafe SA regularly hosts fundraising events and campaigns. Keep an eye out on our events page for upcoming events.

Ready to donate now? Donations can be made as one-off donations or as a regular donation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Click on the button below to make a donation.

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As the leading not-for-profit, charitable organisation dedicated to the prevention of unintentional death and serious injuries to young children in South Australia, Kidsafe SA relies heavily on sponsorship, donations and grants to provide our services to parents, carers and the wider community to help keep children healthy and having fun.

Generosity and support from all our partners and supporters is what underpins our efforts. If you or your organisation is interested in partnering with Kidsafe SA, please contact us here or on (08) 7089 8554.

We are currently seeking a major corporate partner to support new and ongoing child injury prevention programs. Opportunity exists for co-branding of Kidsafe resources and promotion through our many services and clientele.


Thanks to Pubs with Heart (supported by SA Hotels) for funds to purchase a Mazda CX 5 to help us get out and about to connect with families and do our vital work.

Thanks to Paradise Mazda for the use of a Mazda CX 5 to help us get out and about to deliver services including delivery of nationally accredited car restraint training.

Department for Infrastructure and Transport sponsored Kidsafe SA to develop translated resources on how to travel safely on the road with infants and children for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Department for Infrastructure and Transport continue to support Kidsafe SA initiatives to help build capacity in regional areas, by educating local businesses to provide child car restraint fitting services.

Thanks to Variety for helping us see more families and providing child car restraint fitting services to the southern and northern communities, through Community fitting days.


Tony has been a long-time volunteer and supporter of Kidsafe, maintaining the Kidsafe National and Kidsafe SA websites

Major Partners

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