Find A Fitter

Kidsafe SA’s ‘Find a Fitter’ listing provides you with easy access to details of credible, experienced child car restraint fitters in regional South Australia. These fitters can guide you through the process of fitting and adjusting child restraints to ensure your child car restraints are correctly installed and your children are travelling as safely as possible.

Please note that there are costs incurred with all fitters; these will vary depending on each individual provider. Indicative costs are listed where they have been provided but are subject to change based on the individual provider.

Proudly supported by


Kidsafe SA Centre Hilton
Address: 6/69 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Hilton SA 5033
Phone: 08 7089 8554
Service Charges:

(Indicative only)



Kidsafe SA centre Hilton provides fitting services from $39 (1 installation) and checking services from $20
Also provides hire and sales of child car restraints.
All services by appointment

Opening Hours:

Mon to Friday, 9am-5pm


Ceduna Machinery
Address: 46355 Eyre Highway, Ceduna, 5690

Phone: (08) 86 252 999


Service Charges: POA


Child Car Restraint Fitting

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 8am-5pm


Parenting KI
Address: 50 Buller Street KI

Email only:

Service Charges:

(indicative only) Free


Mobile Child Car Restraint Fitting/Checks across Kangaroo Island

Opening hours:

Upon Request/Appointment only


Trident Tyre Centre
Address: 14-16 Bay Road Mount Gambier SA

Phone: 08 8725 7799

Service Charges:

(indicative only)

$95.00 P/H


Child Car Restraint Fitting

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 8am-5pm

Saturday mornings 8am-11:30am

Mount Gambier Off Road Centre
Address: 308 Commercial Street West Mount Gambier SA

Phone: 08 8723 4286

Service Charges:

(indicative only)

$95.00 P/H


Child Car Restraint Fitting

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 8am-5pm

Saturday mornings 8am-11:30am


Strapped Safe Sunraysia
Mobile Child Restraint Installation and Education.

Address: PO Box 1501 Mildura Vic 3502

Phone: 0492 951 779

Service Charges:
(indicative only)

*disclaimer on site that prices may vary from those specified

$60 for one or first restraint, $40 for additional restraints installed in same fitting.

Fitting accessories if required (extension straps, gated buckles etc) charged accordingly


Mobile child restraint fitting service, servicing VIC/SA Border and the Riverland.
A friendly service showing you all aspects of installing and adjusting your child restraint. From fitting it into your car, to making sure your precious little people are correctly strapped in and using the restraint correctly.
Free consultations to select the right restraint for your vehicle and child’s requirements.
Monthly visits to the Riverland – urgent requests between visits also available.

Opening Hours:

8am – 6pm Every Day

MITECH Automotive
Address: 3 Vaughan Terrace, Berri, South Australia 5343

Phone: (08) 085824050

Service Charges:
(indicative only)


*disclaimer on site that prices may vary from those specified


Child Car Restraint Fitting

Log Book Servicing

General Servicing

General Mechanical Repairs

Tyres & Brakes

Air Conditioner Regas

Opening Hours:


MITECH Automotive
Address: 146 Renmark Avenue, Renmark, South Australia 5341

Phone: (08) 7552 5100

Service Charges:
(indicative only)


*disclaimer on site that prices may vary from those specified


Child Car Restraint Fitting

Log Book Servicing

General Servicing

General Mechanical Repairs

Tyres & Brakes

Air Conditioner Regas

Opening Hours:



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