
The Kidsafe SA Home Safety Checklist is a great resource to use to help determine the safety of your home.

Most injuries suffered by children occur in and around the home. While it may not be possible to make your home completely safe at all times, you can take steps to reduce the risk of injury and make your home a safer place for children.

This checklist will guide you through each room of the house as well as the backyard to help make you aware of potential hazards.

Be sure to share this with anyone who looks after children in their home – including grandparents, aunts and uncles as well as friends.

Click the link below to view, download and print.

Keeping Your Newborn Safe: A quick guide is a resource designed for new and expecting parents.

This brochure provides information on how to safely sleep and safely transport your baby as well as general quick tips and a short checklist. Use this brochure to help make decisions about child car restraints and setting up the nursery.

Thank you to Infasecure and Grotime for their support on the development of this resource!

Click the link below to view, download and print.

Find many more resources below…..

Safety for our Little Fellas

Kidsafe SA, together with ARMSU and Burns SA, developed resources for Aboriginal families and communities covering the main child injury prevention topics.

The Safety for Our Little Fellas resources were developed to reduce the unfortunately high level of death and serious injury to Australian children as a result of unintentional and very often preventable injury. Resources were initially developed in 2010 and were updated in 2014 and are still a wonderful resource.

Information sheets are available for download below. Posters are also available just contact us.

Burns Resources

BurnSafe Educational Resources

These resources are for children from preschool to 13 years and can be done at home, at school or in an early education setting. They are designed in line with the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum. Fun for all while doing a bit of learning about keeping safe too.

BurnSafe Resources

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